Digital Optical Diagnostic Devices (DODDs)
for Neglected Parasitic Diseases (NPDs)
Final Mini Symposium
Date: 1 December 2023
Location: X TU Delft; Rhythm room (Mekelweg 8, 2628 CD Delft)
13.30 Welcome: Jan Carel Diehl and Lisette van Lieshout
Looking back: INSPiRED project outcomes & highlights from My PhD
13.45 WP1: Schistoscope demonstration: Prosper Oyibo
14.00 WP 2: Stakeholder involvement in DODDs: Dr. Adela Onasanya
14.15 WP 3: Schistoscope performance testing in the field: Brice Meulah
14.30 Break
Looking at the context: diagnostic developments and needs in the field
15.15 Nigeria: Wellington Oyibo & Oladimeji Oladepo
15.35 Gabon: Ayola Akim Adegnika
15.55 AiDx-Medical: Temitope Agbana
Looking ahead: DODDs policy and dissemination
16.10 Outcome of COR-NTD and ECTMIH sessions on DODD policy: Lisette van Lieshout
16.25 Launch of Schistoscope open access hardware & software: Jan Carel Diehl & Jerry de Vos
16.45 Q&A
17.00 Drinks
18.00 Closing